• Post last modified:11.02.2025
  • Reading time:2 mins read

How to connect to Valheim Server through Valheim Game Launcher

  1. Launch the game.
  2. Click “Start Game” and select your character.
  3. Click “Join Game” on the top bar.
  4. Select “Add server” and paste the IP address and Port of your server.
    1. You can find the IP address and Port of your Valheim Server in the welcome email we send you after you order a game server. You can also find it in your game control panel (see the screenshot below).
  5. Click “Connect”.

How to Set a Password on Valheim Server

  1. Log into your control control panel.
  2. If you have a couple of game servers, click on your Valheim server in the server list.
  3. Switch to the “Startup” tab.
  4. In the “Server Password” field, set the desired password for your Valheim server.
  5. Switch to “Console” and restart your server.
    How to a set password on Valheim server

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